Tuesday, January 15, 2008

what a difference!

I've developed carpel tunnels syndrome from the pregnancy and went in to the OB to have it checked out today. I need to wear braces on my wrists, but other than that I'll be okay. They decided to do my weekly check up while I was there. So, since Friday there has been some progress. I'm 60% effaced, -2 station and fingertip dilated! Obviously I could still have a ways to go, but it's great news that my body is finally doing something it's supposed to! Hopefully this means the baby is coming soon!


Rachel said...

I had the joy of carpal tunnel during pregnancy as well. It was supposed to go away after the baby was born. He is almost 2 months old and it is finally going away. My finger tips still get numb every once in awhile if I sleep on my right side.

Your little one will be here before you know it!

Monica H said...

That's great news!

Kathy V said...

Glad to hear your body is making progress. It will all happen before you know it.

JW said...

Ooooh, how exciting! Sorry about the CTS though! Not long to go now! I have no idea whether she's coming soon now, but I am starting to wonder if I'll ever go into labour, coz it doesn't feel real hee hee. GOOD LUCK TO YOU TO FOR THE LABOUR!!!! x

Monica H said...

Do you have any updates? There's less than 6 days to go...