Tuesday, August 14, 2007

bad blogger

Life has been crazy and I have been a bad blogger. Shame on me!

The past couple of weeks have been eventful. The pregnant family member has decided to keep the baby. It will be a tough road for her, but I'm glad she has come to a decision that she is happy with and feels is right for her.

In the past couple of weeks we've found out about 2 other pregnancies among family/friends, so that is pretty exciting. It seems like there is something in the water over here.

Last week I fainted in the grocery store and ended up with a trip to the ER in an ambulance. Everything is fine, but it was a bit scary and was a REALLY long night. We did get a sonogram out of it though. It was so funny because when we had the NT screen the baby was asleep and we didn't see much movement. Well, apparently I have a night owl because at one in the morning the kid was punching me in my uterus. Full arm extend and punching mom..over and over. My husband is into martial arts, so the kid must take after him.

My 20 week sonogram is 5 weeks away at 21 weeks and I think I will die if I have to wait that long. I really really want to know what the sex of this baby is. I think it is a boy, but am ready for some confirmation so I can start picking things out.

In just the past couple of weeks I've begun to realize that this pregnancy is real, and here, and not going anywhere. Don't get me wrong, I still worry about something going wrong, but at a more normal amount now.

I know I still need to get a sonogram picture up...I will...soon....I hope....

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