Sunday, September 17, 2006

ups and downs

My levels were down to 17 this week....really great news! I'm really hoping when I go in on Tuesday they are down to 0. Going in and getting blood taken every week is getting old fast!

I've been really down the past few days and I'm not sure why. I'm trying to fill my time up with positive things but I just can't seem to get rid of this overall feeling of sadness. I've been taking a knitting class and redecorating the house. Both of which I really enjoy, but I'm still just down. Then today I found out my cousin is pregnant with her 4th child. It's actually pretty crazy because her first 3 were all IVF and she just recently had twins (a result of the IVF)! So the fact she got pregnant on her own is really a miracle. I'm happy for her but sad for me. Same shit, different day. It seems like everyone around me is pregnant and it just really gets to me no matter how hard I try not to let it get me down. I have a feeling this will be a long year.


Chantelle said...

I can relate. I'm down in the dumps and have a year long wait as well. Haven't even finished the chemo yet for this molar mess. Today I'm letting myself mope. I figure it's okay once in awhile. Hey, I've taken up knitting too!

I was glad to find and read your blog.

Chantelle said...

Oh, and congratulations on the falling levels. You'll be at zero before you know it.

Alice said...

I'm so glad you have found the blog helpful. I'm sorry you've ended up having to go through chemo. Hopefully you'll be coming through all of that soon!
Isn't knitting so fun?