Friday, June 15, 2007

Father's Day reflections

Last year on Father's Day we announced our pregnancy to our families. I was in my 4th week. Currently, I'm in the end of my 7th. We told them by having my husband wear a shirt that said, "world's greatest dad". It's so bittersweet now that that day is coming around the corner. We are going to wait for another 3 weeks or so to tell everyone. I'm nervous about it. They were so thrilled the last time, I fear that this time they won't be as excited. It wasn't just our innocence that was taken away, but theirs as well.

I want to give my husband something from the baby, but I'm not sure how appropriate that would be. I was thinking of a bib or onesie that says "I love my daddy". Part of me feels that is so cheezy though! I feel bad for him...this will be the second Father's day that I've been pregnant. I've never been pregnant on Mother's Day. I don't know which is worse.

Speaking of my husband, he is so wonderful. He bought tickets to a play I've been wanting to see. This isn't something we do very often and it was just really sweet and romantic. He said it was something we could do that wasn't smoky, didn't involve drinking, and we deserved it after all our recent stress. I really do have the best husband in the world.

I had a wonderful dream last night where I gave birth by c-section to a baby boy. My husband was there with me and we were blissfully happy. I breastfed and all the emotions and love I felt were so real in the dream. I hope dreams really are an indication of how things will go.

I have an appointment with a new OB practice on Monday to check them out. I like my doctor, but have had trouble getting test results and call backs in a timely manner. I just wanted to check out another for comparison. We'll see how it goes. I'm hoping that I like them. They are closer to home and deliver out of a hospital that is a bit nicer.

Right now I'm just trying to trust my baby, trust my body, and trust in God. I suppose that is all you really can do.


Rachel said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

I'll be thinking of you this Father's day.

As for telling your family, they did not know about our 1st pregnancy until after our miscarriage. We were planning to wait until the end of the 1st trimester. With the 2nd pregnancy, I found out I was pregnant when I was already 5 or 6 weeks. We waited until after the 1st ultrasound and then told them. I was about 8 weeks then.

I was really nervous, but it seemed to relieve some of the pressure and to make the pregnancy seem more real.

Both my family and my husband's were excited for us this time around. Having other people excited about the baby makes it easier for me not to worry.

Christy said...

Today is my first visit to your blog. Congratulations on your pregnancy and heartbeat! Try to enjoy Father's Day even though you may be a little (understandably) ambivalent. It's important to enjoy the moment. I miscarried and had a D&C a few days before Mother's Day, so I do understand how hard these holidays can be.