Thursday, October 05, 2006

Career conundrum

First I guess the health levels have finally reached zero. This is great news, and now I can start going in for my blood tests once a month. Going every week was really getting old, so I'm glad that is over. Now for my career conundrum. An opportunity for a new job presented itself earlier this week. I am currently a contractor and was planning on going full time in November at my current job because a) I like my boss b) I like my co-workers c) It keeps me busy so the day goes by quickly and d) It isn't too stressful/challenging. All these things made it the perfect job for a soon to be mom. Well, I'm no where near a soon to be mom anymore thanks to those good old molar cells. I wasn't thinking of leaving my job, but an opportunity for a much higher level position came across my desk this week and it got me thinking that maybe I should consider a move now. I have the wait to get pregnant, so I can put the focus back on my career. It's a big choice and I'm really struggling with it. I have the interview on Friday, so I'm hoping that will help me see if I want to make a change.

Other than that life has been boring...just waiting and watching all the pregnant ladies pass me by....

1 comment:

Chantelle said...

Congrats on your levels being zero! Mine are down to zero too. That's great that you have a new opportunity to consider. Good luck!